Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Birthday to me! (yesterday =______=)

 so okay, I'm late on my own Birthday post for my blog. but that's alright, I don't mind so much.

For those of you out there who are REALLY paying attention, you'll notice that today.... I changed the blog! Happily, I've completed altered the layout and p&p now has comment capability! yay! Despite the fact that I really liked the old layout, I think this one is much better because it feels easier to read and a little less crowded (even though it has more stuff on it >___>.....).

And yes, yesterday January the 17th was my birthday! Now I'm a big 23 year old. Altough I think by most standards I don't really act like it. But that's okay, my parents never told me I had to grow up. Quite the contrary actually, they wanted me to stay a child. In that regard I have grown up, which is a good thing I say. I certainly don't act like a child (well okay sometimes), I just have an over-active imagination like one. And some dolls. Which I pass off as "collector's items".

But who hasn't used that excuse, right?

There were so many photos from the 2 days that I consider my birthday celebration, so I tried something a little different, which I rather like. What do you think? Do you like it too? (´ω`★)  It's a little more collage like, with a hint of purikura. After all I am in a maid cafe, so I do have a habit of drawing on photos.

My family and a few new friends went to Knott's Berry Farm on Saturday, which is an amusement park here in Southern California. It was loads of fun, and as you can see, Rika particularly enjoyed shoving my face in my birthday ice cream. Of course I had already done so myself so no harm done. Yesterday on my *actual* birthday, my boys took me to a restaurant for lunch and we had shrimp, potatoes, andouille sausage, and corn in a steam back, with some uber duper super yummy sweet potato fries. They are like crack. Om nom nom. John bought me a BEAUTIFUL birthday cake which the boys and I completely destroyed (didn't get a before picture sadly) and one of my boys, Rui, made me an awesome card.

So thank you to all my family who gave me such a wonderful birthday!!! (I like getting old. I don't see what all the fuss is about)

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
+ Louisa May Alcott

1 comment:

  1. SO CUTEEEEEEE!! looks like fun :)

    and i'm so happy the hoodie fits you! i had no reference and was afraid i might have made it too big x_x;
